Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 9/11

I have been thinking today about the tragedy of 9/11.
We had just dropped off Nicole at my moms house to be babysat and she told us to turn on the radio. We were on our way up to the hospital for Eric to have abdominal surgery in relation to his cancer. We could hardly believe what we were hearing. Then upon arriving at the hospital the news was on every TV. The hospital was on high alert because of the possibility of terrorist activity locally. I remember feeling emotionally overwhelmed.
Eric and I were both very anxious about his surgery. Eric even had feelings that he might die during surgery, fearing that the Doctor might mistakenly hit an artery that was in very close proximity to the lymph nodes being removed and that he might bleed out.
During his prep, we found out that Eric's doctor had just returned the night before from NYC. He had been on top of one of the towers just 24hr previous. That was erie.
I remember feeling shock and horror that human beings could be so evil and full of so much hate.
I remember almost feeling guilty for praying for comfort and for Eric's health, with all those thousands of people who were in a greater need than I.
Later on,
I remember the feeling of closeness, and family that our country felt. Stories of the firefighters and other volunteers risking their lives to help in the rescue efforts.
I remember the kindness of people to one another. It seemed that we didn't want to take our relationships for granted, we wanted to show appreciation to one another.

1 comment:

Gloria said...

I was remembering that day as well. I was getting ready to go to the hospital to wait with you during Eric's surgery and listening to the radio.

I think it is good to remember. I also feel that we should also let our young people who weren't born or can't remember that time about the hate behind the terrorist attacks and the great need for patriotism and allegiance to our country. The unity of the people was a real solace to me.

I had no idea that Eric was struggling with such dark thoughts at that time. Makes my mother heart hurt to know he was in such mental pain.