Thursday, September 11, 2008

Justin turns 6

Justin’s 6th birthday party was a huge success ! When Justin first told me he wanted a Mario party I was a little overwhelmed and did not think that it would be possible. He tried to comfort me by saying “ I know you can do it Mom, just look on the internet”. Well after much searching on the internet and a lot of playing his video games I was able to come up with a great birthday plan.
At the first of the party I had my niece dress up like Peach and my nephew like Bowser. As Peach was distributing gold coins to the kids Bowser came and kidnapped her, tied her up and threw her in Bowser’s bounce house ( the trampoline ). He then told the kids to rescue Peach , they needed 3 stars. They would have to play the game to get the stars.

We made the backyard to look like a giant game board using colored paper for the spaces. The kids rolled a big dice to move along. We had three different mini games the kids would have to stop and play – 1 Donkey Kong bash (pinata) 2- Yoshi’s dinosaur egg race ( I made dino eggs from paper mache) and 3- Boo’s balloon pop ( kids tie a white balloon on ankle, run around trying to pop the others while protecting their own.). We also had a traveling candy shop table ran by my daughter dressed up as Daisy. The kids spent the gold coins they got from mini games on the candy. We also had Peach’s prize palace- under the gazebo where kids ate cake and ice cream and then picked up their party goody bags.

They finally earned all 3 gold stars and we let Justin dressed as Mario go and rescue Peach. It was so cute !!!!! Mario untied Peach . Peach exclaimed, “ Mario, my hero “ . Mario gave Peach a big hug .
All the kids cheered.

I did feel sorta bad about one thing. I had downloaded all this Mario music and I forgot to turn on the cd player.
Justin did tell me that it was the best birthday party ever and that he loved his cake.
He even said that I could make his birthday cake every year. He also gave me a big hug and kiss and told me that I was the best mom in the whole world. That comment certainly made all my efforts worth it.

Truthfully I had as much fun as the kids.

1 comment:

annie said...

Happy birthday Justin!!! wow 6 yrs old. I know Becky you of all people can do anything that is your God given talent. I'm grateful your in my family. Wow what a cool cake, I might be hiring you do make a cake for Andrew's b-day.

Love ya Justin you are a fun and high adventure kid.